switch_access AI Executive Accelerator

Build your AI-driven future

Maximize the AI opportunity with our AI Executive Accelerator. During this value-focused executive briefing, we review your key business objectives, explore your AI opportunities, and give you the confidence to implement trusted AI.

Who you'll meet

Find your AI opportunities with our trusted AI experts

Our executives and cloud analytics and data experts will examine your business challenges and offer tailored strategies that can help you accelerate value from trusted AI, today.

Where it happens

Trusted AI insights delivered your way

Virtual. Hybrid. In person.

Virtual AI Executive Accelerator

Our AI Executive Accelerator sessions are offered virtually for your convenience. Prefer to meet in person? Visit an Executive Briefing Center at our worldwide headquarters in San Diego or in London, Sydney, and Tokyo.

The Total Economic Impact™ of ClearScape Analytics™

See how you can drive ROI with Trusted AI

How can Teradata help drive ROI from Trusted AI? We commissioned a 2024 Forrester Consulting study of a current customer to find out. It shows how models enabled by our AI engine, ClearScape Analytics, drove $125 million in profits and 244% ROI over three years for this customer.

Request a briefing

Take the next steps on your trusted AI journey

Get a clearer path forward with our AI Executive Accelerator. You’ll learn how to deliver trusted AI innovation that truly accelerates business growth. Just fill out this short form, and we’ll be in touch about next steps.

Please provide any additional information so we can better serve you.

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