Teradata's Process To Support India's E-Waste Management Directive

About E-Waste

E-waste has been defined as “Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, whole/in part or rejects from their manufacturing and repair process, which are intended to be discarded.” In other words, E-waste or Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment is the term used to describe old, end-of-life or discarded appliances using electricity. With the increase in usage and dependence on electrical and electronic gadgets such as computers, mobile phones, air conditioners etc., there has been an increase in E-waste generation in large quantities. E-waste generally consists of those substances which are hazardous in nature and can seriously affect the health of the living beings if not managed properly.Benefits of recycling old electronic 

In India, E-Waste (Management) Rules 2016 were published in March 2016 and came into effect on October 1, 2016.

The Rules passed by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, are implemented by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and monitored by the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs).

Teradata, being a producer has a part in the Extended Producers’ Responsibility (EPR) and therefore has appointed PROEPR as its Producers’ Responsibility Organization to act locally while it helps in protecting the environment globally.

As long as the toxic components in electronics are enclosed within the original manufacturer’s designed outer-shell of the gadget, they don’t pose much of a danger as they have been engineered to contain any such effects. However, accidental breakage or damage of such electronics or E-waste can lead to toxic elements leaking and contaminating their immediate environment. Damage to the environment due to accidental breakage of E-waste is a major concern in informal E-waste disposal and recycling facilities, so consumers need to ensure that they dispose their E-waste only at authorized E-waste recycler.

Benefits of recycling old electronic products

Saves natural resources

Reduces environmental pollution

Alternate resource

Negative consequences of disposal of product in an unscientific manner

Health risks

Children are vulnerable

Environmental degradation

Guidelines for customers on the disposal of end-of-life products

The appliance’s packaging material is recyclable. Your appliance also contains recyclable matter which is marked with the label. Do not mix it with the waste.

Different schemes for E-Waste disposal—Teradata’s EPR plan

The general scheme for collection of waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment from the Electrical and Electronic Equipment placed on the market earlier, will be collected back through dealer, collection centers, Producer Responsibility Organization, through buy-back arrangement, through an authorized logistics agency and channelizing the items so collected to our authorized recycler vendor.

E-Waste Channelization

Teradata's E-Waste Channelization Plan


  • Always look for information on the catalogue with your product for end-of-life equipment handling.
  • Always drop your used electronic products, batteries or any accessories when they reach the end of their life at your nearest E-waste Collection Centre.
  • Wherever possible or as instructed, separate the packaging material according to responsible waste disposal options and sorting for recycling.
  • Always disconnect the battery from product and ensure any glass surface is protected against breakage.


  • Do not dismantle your electronic products on your own.
  • Do not throw electronics in bins having “Do Not Dispose” sign.
  • Do not give E-waste to informal and unorganized sectors like Local Scrap Dealer/ Rag Pickers.
  • Do not dispose your product in garbage bins along with municipal waste that ultimately reaches landfills.

In case of any queries regarding the proper disposal and/or recycling of electronics, consumers can contact the helpdesk.

Toll-free: 1 (800) 102-1020 or 0008004402051


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