Closing the gap on great customer experiences
groups Customer experience (CX)

Closing the gap on great customer experiences

Why CX matters

Customers expect seamless, relevant experiences at every touchpoint on their journey

COVID-19 pushed consumers en masse to digital channels. And that shift is here to stay. Now, customers expect companies to understand their needs and preferences, and they’re willing to walk away from brands that don’t deliver.

Organizations that can consistently create highly tailored, meaningful customer experiences (CX) will be positioned to win in this new reality.

Bridging data and analytics gaps is the key to personalized CX
Solve CX challenges

Bridging data and analytics gaps is the key to personalized CX

Enterprises today face major challenges to deliver more relevant, authentic customer experiences across every touchpoint of the customer journey.

From siloed customer data and disparate platforms that limit delivery of deep customer insights when and where they can make the biggest impact, to the struggle over how to maximize acquisition costs and ROI of marketing touches across all channels, many CX solutions bring more challenges than solutions.

Streamline management of the end-to-end customer journey
CX and Customer 360

Streamline management of the end-to-end customer journey

Creating hyper-personalized CX depends on a comprehensive view of customers—one that connects interactions to business outcomes and processes. This requires unifying customer data from all sources and touchpoints in a single, integrated ecosystem, so data isn’t siloed in any one system or department.

The result? Users across the entire enterprise can easily access the data they need to innovate faster.

Why VantageCloud for CX

Build customer loyalty and drive value with a customer insights foundation

VantageCloud provides you with a single source of all customer data and best-in-class analytics capabilities. Now you can unlock breakthrough insights to deliver seamless, personalized, and scalable experiences at every step of the customer journey.

Personalizing experiences for 4 million customers at The Very Group
Success story

Personalizing experiences for 4 million customers at The Very Group

The Very Group is a digital UK retailer that wanted to deepen customer relationships. With VantageCloud, they’ve been able to capture and harness the data they need to craft engaging, authentic experiences. 90% of their homepage content is now personalized in real time, with millions of different versions, for every individual. And they’ve seen a 28% sales uplift from personalized emails triggered by real-time browsing behavior.


Deliver CX that drives results

Find out how Teradata can help you harmonize your customer data and unlock valuable insights to deliver better customer experiences, build customer loyalty, and accelerate value.

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