OSF HealthCare

520% increase in patient engagement

OSF HealthCare is an integrated health system headquartered in Peoria, Illinois. The OSF HealthCare Ministry includes hospitals, home care, hospice, and digital health services. The organization’s 1,900 primary care, specialist, and advanced practice providers, alongside 23,000 “mission partners” (employees), are transforming healthcare to improve the lives of those they serve.

Recent research reveals two of every three people believe they’ve had a negative experience with a medical provider, pharmacy, or hospital (according to a recent Health and Life Sciences Experience survey from Accenture). Key reasons for negative experiences include inefficient visits, medical advice perceived as unhelpful, rude staff, or a lack of emotional support. These negative emotions and experiences can have a significant and lasting impact on an individual’s willingness to participate in their own healthcare.

“Our Mission is to serve with the greatest care and love in the communities we serve by helping patients stay connected through their healthcare journey, in whatever phase of life they are, by creating a frictionless experience and easing their way to better manage health,” says Roopa Foulger, vice president of digital innovation development at OSF HealthCare.

As the leader of digital program development at OSF HealthCare, Foulger and her team are identifying and creating programs to target, communicate, and care for patients in rural Illinois communities. Creating more compassionate care leads to increasing patient engagement rates and positive health outcomes.

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