
The Utah Jazz Uses Pervasive Data Intelligence for Next Generation Sports Analytics

Larry H. Miller is using data and analytics to successfully increase customer satisfaction from a multitude of data sources and customer touchpoints.

17. Februar 2019 2 min Lesezeit

Those familiar with professional sports recognize the paradigm shift from who was the perceived best player to how many wins a player is worth. This is happening by uncovering new insights and answers to questions no one thought of asking. 
Whether you’re an avid fan or passive observer, sports teams rely on a competitive edge and differentiator to beat the competition. Pre- and post-game TV shows, play-by-play commentators, and even we armchair coaches have no shortage of player, team, and league statistics at our finger tips. Every team is looking to these numbers to identify a unique opportunity to be better than the rest. Today’s next generation sports analytics and competitive advantage is possible with pervasive data intelligence. This is beyond statistics!
Teradata Vantage customer, Larry H. Miller Sports & Entertainment (LHMS&E), owner of the Utah Jazz, is doing just that. They use a pervasive data approach that goes beyond statistics including player health, dietary habits, and sleep patterns with the goal to field a team that maximizes team wins per player. This is helping the Utah Jazz’s standings and play-off contention.

More than fielding the best team possible, Larry H. Miller is using data and analytics to successfully increase customer satisfaction from a multitude of data sources and customer touchpoints, including player health, mobile application offers, and even arena parking.
Dustin Spangler, VP of data and analytics, sees a direct and significant correlation in customer (fan) satisfaction and the amount spent on food and concessions when this state’s basketball team, Utah Jazz, win. 
In fact, analytics is changing every aspect of the customer experience as well, including;

  • Inside the arena using beacons to send mobile offers near concession stands;
  • Parking optimization; and
  • Enhanced security.

This results in a win-win-win scenario. When the Utah Jazz wins, fan satisfaction goes up, and Larry H. Miller Sports & Entertainment sees increases in revenues. All powered by collecting data from every touchpoint and leveraging the data to solve for business outcomes. That is pervasive data intelligence.


Über Katherine Knowles-Marchione

Teradata’s customers are changing the world by finding answers to the toughest challenges and powering the new era of Pervasive Data Intelligence. Katherine Knowles-Marchione leads Teradata’s Global Customer Engagement and Advocacy team who is laser focused on creating opportunities for the voice of our customers to tell their story. She brings more than 25 years of technology and industry business expertise. With sales and marketing expertise, Katherine and her team uncover innovative solutions that detail business use-cases with measurable results by conversing with global customers encompassing people, process, and technology.

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Über Travis Sterne

Travis Sterne is a part of Teradata’s Global Customer Engagement and Advocacy team. He brings over a decade of storytelling experience to brands to life by communicating customer outcomes through technology. Travis’ career has spanned pre-sales, product management, global brand and technology markeing campaigns for leading SaaS, cloud, and data companies.
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