
Teradata Strengthens Hybrid Cloud Commitment with Teradata Database on Azure

Choice and flexibility are everything to companies sifting through all the available analytic platforms on the market today.

Oliver Ratzesberger
Oliver Ratzesberger
9. Januar 2017 3 min Lesezeit

Choice and flexibility are everything to companies sifting through all the available analytic platforms on the market today. This is evident in the strong shift toward the adoption of hybrid clouds — a solution that more than 90 percent of Teradata customers surveyed in 2016 plan to employ by 2020. Using an analytics solution that seamlessly blends on-premises and cloud-based deployment enables our customers to focus on what matters to them — creating business value. This helps them focus and eliminates the stress of implementing and maintaining their physical infrastructure on their own.

The strong shift towards the adoption of hybrid clouds proves that choice and flexibility are important to companies sifting through all the available analytic platforms on the market today.

Companies need the ability to effortlessly use the cloud when and where it works for them and as often or as infrequently as they would like. They need on-demand workload shifting that meets their data analytics needs and also optimizes how they use their resources, creating an easy approach to managing the system at a glance.

Given these requirements, Teradata has focused on offering the same full-featured Teradata Database software, via Teradata Everywhere, that seamlessly integrates with the most powerful cloud platforms on the market that our clients are already using. And for many, especially in retail, Microsoft Azure is their public cloud provider of choice.

We’ve heard our customers’ desires for flexibility loud and clear and are proud to soon offer Teradata Database on Azure, our industry-leading analytics database that is customized specifically for integration with Microsoft’s cloud.

Unlike other data warehouse solutions on the market that integrate with Azure, our product is a true enterprise data warehouse instead of a data mart model. Available via the Azure Marketplace, our customers that are already familiar with both Teradata and Azure and are comfortable going the do-it-yourself route can be up and running in about an hour. For clients that want some guidance, we offer our Teradata Services team of experts to aid with setup. We are keenly attuned to our clients’ demands for this option — a survey of our customers shows that 85 percent want to consume some of their analytics ”as a service”. Analytics and data are all that we do, and we have set up our business to provide your company that expertise without the headache of going it alone.

Teradata Database on Azure also lets new customers migrate from a third-party database over to Teradata. Our company offers onboarding along with our architecture and database conversion services, and we have an optional cloud workshop to enable our customers to learn about their new, industry-leading choice in data warehouse software.

Adding to Teradata Database on Azure’s focus on flexibility is our pay-as-you-go model, which reduces your commitment and risk, and our integration with a wide variety of software tools in the Azure environment. Our solution’s massively parallel processing (MPP) can currently scale between one and 32 nodes, and Teradata Database on Azure can back up to (and restore from) Azure Blob storage to ensure easy integration. It also features automatic node failure recovery, so your system can quickly and efficiently function despite any temporary glitches.

As many companies shift to cloud solutions that allow for speed and flexibility, Teradata continues to make Teradata Everywhere available to a growing array of deployment environments. Teradata Database on Azure can help you derive more value in this data-driven world. You can use the cloud solution you want, while getting the best minds in the business at Teradata to fill in the blanks, freeing you to focus on the actionable ways your data can make your company excel.


Über Oliver Ratzesberger

Mr. Ratzesberger has a proven track record in executive management, as well as 20+ years of experience in analytics, large data processing and software engineering.

Oliver’s journey started with Teradata as a customer, driving innovation on its scalable technology base. His vision of how the technology could be applied to solve complex business problems led to him joining the company. At Teradata, he has been the architect of the strategy and roadmap, aimed at transformation. Under Oliver’s leadership, the company has challenged itself to become a cloud enabled, subscription business with a new flagship product. Teradata’s integrated analytical platform is the fastest growing product in its history, achieving record adoption.

During Oliver’s tenure at Teradata he has held the roles of Chief Operating Officer and Chief Product Officer, overseeing various business units, including go-to-market, product, services and marketing. Prior to Teradata, Oliver worked for both Fortune 500 and early-stage companies, holding positions of increasing responsibility in technology and software development, including leading the expansion of analytics during the early days of eBay.

A pragmatic visionary, Oliver frequently speaks and writes about leveraging data and analytics to improve business outcomes. His book with co-author Professor Mohanbir Sawhney, “The Sentient Enterprise: The Evolution of Decision Making,” was published in 2017 and was named to the Wall Street Journal Best Seller List. Oliver’s vision of the Sentient Enterprise is recognized by customers, analysts and partners as a leading model for bringing agility and analytic power to enterprises operating in a digital world.

Oliver is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program and earned his engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from HTL Steyr in Austria.

He lives in San Diego with his wife and two daughters.

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