
Teradata Has Been Named One of the World's Most Ethical Companies 2019

Teradata is thrilled to be named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies, for the tenth consecutive year.

Jonathan Steel
Jonathan Steel
19. März 2019 4 min Lesezeit
At Teradata, we are committed to doing business ethically, transparently, and with integrity. Our customers, partners and employees expect and deserve nothing less.  We also recognize our responsibility to make a meaningful contribution to our communities and the world. Teradata is thrilled to be named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies, for the tenth consecutive year.
Congratulations to our fellow World’s Most Ethical Companies honorees. Each honoree was selected for the strength of its ethics and compliance program, culture of ethics, corporate citizenship and responsibility, governance, leadership, and reputation. The World’s Most Ethical Companies recognition program was created by the Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in defining and advancing standards of ethical business practices. You can read more about the program here.

It is a privilege to have been appointed Chief Ethics, Compliance & Privacy Officer here at Teradata. Ethics and integrity have always been, and remain, of the utmost importance to the company. Teradata’s reputation as an ethical company creates long-term value. It helps us attract and retain the best people, and lets customers and investors know they can place their trust in us. It is clear to me that our associates choose, and thrive, in a working environment where they know integrity and fairness prevail and we need to ensure those values are maintained. I will ensure that our ethics and compliance program keeps pace with the times, continually seeking enhancements so that Teradata always exceeds the expectations of its customers, business partners, and associates.

Ethisphere 2019 World's Most Ethical Companies Teradata

Über Jonathan Steel

Jonathan Steel served as Teradata’s Chief International Legal Counsel since 2013, before that as EMEA Region Legal Counsel since 2007 and assumed the role of Teradata’s Chief Ethics, Compliance and Privacy Officer in 2019. He is a UK-qualified attorney and spent the first part of his legal career in private legal practice. Jonathan has extensive experience of complex ethics and compliance matters across the territories in which Teradata operates. He has also helped build and enhance Teradata’s privacy and security programs, most recently Teradata’s global implementation of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018.
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