
Introducing Teradata’s Incoming CEO Steve McMillan

Teradata's Board of Directors has selected the company's next President and Chief Executive Officer: Steve McMillan. Read more from interim President and CEO, Vic Lund.

Victor Lund
Victor Lund
6. Mai 2020 2 min Lesezeit
Introducing incoming CEO Steve McMillan
Teradata Board Appoints Steve McMillan President and Chief Executive OfficerToday, Teradata is very pleased to announce that our Board of Directors has selected Teradata’s next President and Chief Executive Officer: Steve McMillan. Steve was most recently a senior executive at F5 Networks and he will join Teradata on June 8.
About the search for a new CEO:
The Board left no stone unturned – they conducted a comprehensive search that lasted several months and both internal and external candidates were considered. The interview process included a suite of impressive candidates. I can affirm that Steve stood out as the best person to lead Teradata forward.
Steve’s qualifications included senior leadership positions with full P&L responsibility at large, complex and successful organizations – including Oracle and IBM, in addition to F5. But what set Steve apart was his focus on operational execution, his collaborative leadership style and his dedication to customers’ success. 
Steve is incredibly excited, and the Board is thrilled with the outcome of its search.
My impression of Steve McMillan:
I have had the good fortune to meet and spend some time with Steve, as have other members of the Board and Teradata’s Executive Leadership Team. I must admit - I came away impressed with his experience, knowledge and fit with Teradata’s culture.
  • With nearly two decades in senior leadership positions at large, successful organizations, Steve has led businesses that are the size of Teradata as a whole, and he is all about execution, operational excellence and delivering results.
  • An area that aligns perfectly with our ongoing ambitions is Steve’s long history of building cloud-based organizations. He has transformed services and product businesses into industry-leading cloud portfolio offerings. Teradata is committed to the ongoing execution of its strategic transformation and Steve’s knowledge base will apply directly to that work.
  • I continue to value the longstanding Teradata culture of customer obsession, and without a doubt, Steve is an ideal fit in that regard as well. He has a passion for being customer centric, and he knows how to bring people together to focus on operational execution and achieve outstanding results. This is precisely what Teradata needs right now.
While it will be about a month until Steve officially begins, I can tell you that he is ready to roll up his sleeves and hit the ground running in early June. On that same day, I will be stepping down from the Board, but will continue to serve as an advisor to Teradata, to Steve and to our entire Executive Leadership Team, helping out as needed until the end of 2020. We are all committed to a seamless transition for Teradata customers, employees, suppliers and all of our other stakeholders.

I firmly believe that our people are the driving force behind everything that Teradata accomplishes, and am confident that Steve is the right leader to drive us forward.

Über Victor Lund

Victor Lund was appointed Interim President and Chief Executive Officer of Teradata in November 2019 and served as Executive Chairman of Teradata’s Board of Directors from January 2019 until February 2020.  He previously served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Teradata from May 2016 until his appointment as Executive Chairman. Mr. Lund has been a member of Teradata’s board since 2007 and was the Chair of the Audit Committee from 2007 until May 2016. Previously, he served as the non-executive Chairman of the Board of DemandTec, Inc., a publicly-held, on-demand applications company, from 2006 until 2012, and was a member of its board from 2005 until 2012. Mr. Lund was non-executive Chairman of the Board of Mariner Health Care, Inc., a long-term health care services company, from 2002 until 2004 and Vice Chairman of Albertson's, Inc. from 1999 to 2002. Prior to that, he served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of American Stores Company. During his extended career with American Stores, Mr. Lund held executive positions of increasing responsibility leading to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, including Chief Financial Officer and Executive Vice President. Earlier in his career, Mr. Lund was a practicing certified public accountant. He also serves as a director of Service Corporation International and a number of privately-held companies.

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